The producer of the film is Kevin Feige. He works for Marvel Studios which is owned by Walt Disney Studios. Among their many Marvel movies, two of their most successful were Avengers: Age of Ultron and Black Panther.
Captain Marvel is directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck who worked together in the production of Mississippi Grind and Sugar.

The budget of this movie is $152 million making it a Hollywood Blockbuster.
The main actors in the movie are:
Brie Larson, who starred in the movie Room.
Jude Law, starred in Sherlock Holmes.
Samuel L Jackson has been in many Marvel movies, among them are The avengers, and Agents of SHEILD.
The technologies that were used where; (CGI)
Digitally de-ageing character
The film was marketed by:
·Advertising on social media
When will the movie be released?
March 8, 2019
Some examples of synergy that were used:
Some examples of cross media convergence:
Some examples of technological convergence:
Captain Marvel will be available on the Internet through laptops, iPad's, and smartphones. Through different sites such as Netflix, Popcorn Time.
As technology advances, convergence of media change to keep up.
The movie is available in this formats:
Who is the target audience?
The target audience is from 6 to 96. Super hero films are liked by every age grouped of people and are movies that families watch together.