We´ve already finished the script and the storyboard. We completed the storyboard pretty quickly because we already had an idea in mind of what the swede was going to look like. And let me tell you, it will be funny. It's the type of swede you will share with your friends to have really good banter. Anyway, here is what the storyboard looks like.

The Script
It was really easy for us to write the script because we already had seen the opening of the film 'Scream'. So we just had to change the script a bit so that we could grasp the viewer's attention. We added funny and sarcastic comments so that the audience could laugh at the typical story line of horror films
Scream Swede
Girl – hello
x- hello
girl- yes?
x- who is this?
Girl- Who are you trying to reach?
x- I don´t know
girl- I think you have the wrong number
x- Do I?
girl- It happens, take it easy.
*hangs up and puts popcorn inside the microwave*
*phone call*
Girl- Hello?
X- you never told me your name
Girl- Why do you wanna know my name?
X- I wanna know who I´m looking at right now
Girl- What did you just say? Don´t call me again
*hangs up phone and locks door*
*phone call*
Girl- listen you psycho I`m gonna call the police you dumb fuck!
Mother- I was just trying to talk to you, stay with your father this weekend you little bitch!
*Hangs up*
Girl- Who is it? I am gonna call the police?
*phone rings*
X- Seriously? Who is it? The next thing you need to do is go outside and check that sound you heard.
Girl- *crying* What do you want from me?
x- To see what your insides look like
*hangs up and starts sobbing*
The girl walks away from the door looking scared.